
How Long To Lose 12 Lbs

how long to lose 12 lbs

Rapid Fat Loss Results - Down 12 lbs in 2 Weeks

Antonia did it! She's finished her 2 week Rapid Fat Loss diet, and the good news is, her Rapid Fat Loss Results are in!


Antonia's Starting Statistics:

Weight: 175lbs

Hips: 44 inches

Waist: 34 inches

Belly Button: 38 inches


Antonia's Finishing Statistics:

Weight: 163lbs – Rapid Fat Loss Result: MINUS 12 Pounds!

Hips: 41 inches – Rapid Fat Loss Result: MINUS 3 Inches!

Waist: 32 inches – Rapid Fat Loss Result: MINUS 2 Inches!

Belly Button: 35 inches – Rapid Fat Loss Result: MINUS 3 Inches!


Level 1
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Bear in mind this is all done inside TWO WEEKS. 12 pounds lost, including inches lost around all the "problem areas" that are traditionally a challenge to lose fat from. Antonia has had brilliant results, and she should be utterly delighted with this in such a short space of time. The great thing about taking before and after measurements is that Antonia can see for herself that this is proper fat loss – as not only are the scales showing a loss, the tape measure backs this up.


In her own words:

Amazingly enough, the fat came off the EXACT parts I wanted it to.
Naturally, I still have a long way to go (23 more lbs) and I'm a bit nervous about finding the balance, but thanks to you I have to the tools to do it!


She's already more than a third of the way through her own fat loss journey (12 lbs down out of a target 35, with only 23 more to lose), and it only took her TWO WEEKS!

10 Pound Slimdown
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Read More About Antonia's Journey:

If you want to emulate Antonia's success, be sure to read the rest of the blog posts in this series – you might find the inspiration to get losing fat and getting the body of your dreams in these great posts:

Before You Begin: Antonia's Rapid Fat Loss Questions Answered

About Antonia: Antonia's Rapid Fat Loss Journey

Dealing with the weekend: Can You Drink on The Diet? 

One Week Down: Ending the First Week – 9lbs down in 6 days

Understand the keys to Success: Why Antonia is So Successful

Preparing for the Future: What To Do When You End the Diet 

And of course, the details of the diet itself: Rapid Fat Loss Diet



Why Aren't You Losing Fat Yet?

Antonia has done it. Countless others are doing it too. Why are you avoiding this diet? Why don't you want to drop 12 lbs of body fat and 8 inches off from your waist, hips and belly? What have you got to lose except fat?


You might think this diet is extreme, and it is. It's extremely successful. It's extremely easy to follow. It's extremely straightforward to achieve the numbers that Antonia has achieved – but only if you make the first step, and commit! Give this diet a try, find out how easy it is to achieve these great results, and start seeing the benefits for yourself.


I just want to end this post to say thanks to Antonia. We've never met, but she's been great. She's shown how a young, busy mother of two can lose fat using this approach. And she's going to keep on going – I have every confidence she'll hit her targets because she's motivated and is taking control and responsibility for her weight loss. If she can do it – so can you!

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